Dear Mr. Brilliant Beekeeper: I heard you are also a mathematician. Tell me some numbers. - from Ed, Alaska, 8/2/2001
A. Yea, yea. Flattery is nice, but why not just mail me some money? OK. Here's a list of numbers...
2 -
Doctors recommend that babies under the age of two (some docs say 18 months) should not be fed honey.
5 -
Five Americans have been killed by "Killer Bees" since the Africanized stock moved into the USA.
9 -
Nine pounds (4 kg) is a huge amount of honey produced per capita. Comrades in Saskatchewan and Belarussia average this amount - the world average is 3 ounces (85 grams) per person.
18 -
Eighteen swarms of Africanized Honeybees had been discovered on cargo ships in various US harbours from 1983 to 1999.
500 -
In April, 2000, five hundred beekeepers marched in Valencia, Spain, to protest a law requiring removal of their bees from the citrus groves because the bees are pollinating the fruit!
2,000,000 -
The USA had five million hives of bees a hundred years ago, now only two million, though total honey production is nearly the same.
2,000,000,000 -
More than Two Billion pounds of honey are produced and sold by beekeepers in the world each year.
40,000,000,000 -
In the USA alone, the value of crops pollinated by honey bees is over Forty Billion dollars.
Do you have a favourite number? Send an e-mail!
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada